Devi Genuone working on her first Album!!

I’m so happy to report that production is in full swing on my first record. I’ve been toying with the idea of ‘Til The Tape Pops, inspired by lyrics from one of the masters Biggie Smalls. In my dream last night I had the honor of talking with Biggie about my album, the title & about release dates! The goal is to have it available the first part of this year, complete with physical copies, merch & a release show & TOUR!!!!

Get excited! I’m there already, and I’ll be hopefully dropping some videos with some remixes in the next few weeks. So far the Album includes work from myself, Charlie Guidry, Abai, Praktikos, Rece The Beast, & The Genie. I’m even co-producing some of the tracks with Charlie Guidry!

YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS my first entry to the game.

Follow me on Facebook or Soundcloud or both for all of the latest details!!


